playstation3 flere hundre spill og utstyr | FINN-torget (2025)

playstation3 med håndkontroll og alle kabler 500,-


Hdmi kabel 50-.

Håndkontroll usb kabel 50-.

Strøm kabel 50-.

Kamera 200-.

Buzzere ps2/ps3 400-.


Aliens vs predator 150-.

aliens colonial marines limited edition 150,- solgt

Alphaprotocol 100,-.

assault horizon ace combat 100,-

Army of two 55,-.

Army of two 40 days 55,-.

army of two the devils cartel 150,- solgt

Assassins creed brotherhood 75,-.

Assassins creed rogue 50-. Reservert

Assassins creed plat 50,- .

assassins creed 50,-

Assassins creed 2 50,-.

Assassins creed 3 50,-.

Assassins creed iv black flag 50,-

Assassins creed2 &assassins creed 150-.

assassins creed revelations 50,-

Angry birds star wars 150-. Solgt

angry birds triology 250,-

apache air assult 100,- solgt

acecombat : assault horizon 100,-

After hours athletes ( move) 100-.

Ape escape ( move) 200-.

Alice madness returns 500-. Solgt


baja edge of controll 50,-

Burnout paradise 100-.

burnout paradis 100,-

Bad company 100,-

Battlefield 3 50,-.

battlefield 3 limited edition i svart metal eske 150,-

battelfield bad company 50,-

Battlefield bad company2 50.-.

Battlefield bad company2 limited edition 100.-.

Battlefield bad company2 ultmate edition 150.-.

battlefield bad company plat 50,-.

Battlefield 3 limited edition 150-.

battlefield4 100,-.

battlefield4 inc china rising 100,-.

Borderlands 50,-.

borderlands2 70,-

borderlands the pre-sequel 100,-

borderlands 2 add on content pack 150,- solgt

Batman arkham asylum plat 100,-.

Batman arkham asylum 100,-.

Batman arkham city 100,-.

Batman arkham origins 100,-

bioshock 75-. Solgt

bionic comando 100,-

bayonetta 100,-

bayonetta nytt 250,-.

bionic comando nytt 250,-.


bioshock2 nytt 200,-.

bioshock2 100,-

BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition 250,-solgt

brink spesial edition 100,-

bulletsstorm nytt 250,-

Bulletstorm 100,-

bulletstorm limited edition 100,-

the bourne conspiracy


band hero 100,- solgt

blood on the sand 50 cents solgt

beyond two souls 100,-

brutal legend 100,-

battle for pasific solgt

brothers in arms hells highway 100,-

ben10 cosmic destruction 150,- solgt

Barbie her sisters puppy rescue 250-. Solgt

bewulf the game 150,-

bakugan 150,-

bodycount 100,- solgt

buzz quiz tv 250,-

Buzz quiz world 300-.solgt

Buzz norgesmester 400-.solgt

Beijing ol 300-.


cars2 150,-

cars mater national championship kun cd 150,- solgt

the Club 100,-

conan 150,-

Crysis3 hunter edition 75,-.

crysis 2 limited edition 75,-.

crysis2 75,-

Call of duty black ops 75,- .

call of duty ghost 100-. .

call of duty modern warfare 2 75,-. Solgt

Call of duty modern warfare 3 100,-.

call of duty modern warfare 4 100,-.

call of duty advanced warfare 100,-.

call of duty world at war 100,-

call of duty black ops2 100-.

Call of duty 3 150-.

Call of juarez the cartel 100,-

call of juarez i eske og cover 150,-

call of juarez bound in blood

colin mcrae dirt 150,-

colin mcrae dirt 2 150,-

Colin mcrae dirt 3 150-.

civilization revolution 100,-

the cursed crusade 150,-

Captain morgane 150-. solgt

create youre imagination (ps move) 150,-

castlevania 2 lords of shadow 250,- solgt

cabelas dangerous adventures 100,-


darksector 100,-

darksiders 100,-

darkvoid 100,-

ducktales 400,-

Dark kingdom ( untold legends) 150-.

Dantes inferno 100,-.

Dantes inferno nytt 250,-.

Damnation 100,-.

Dj hero 100,-.

Dead island 100,-.

Dead island riptide 100-.

Deadrising2 100,-

dangerous hunts 100,-.

dragon age origins 100,-

dragon age2 100,-.

dragons dogma 100,-

dragonball:xenoverse 150,-

diablo 100,- .

duke nukem forever nytt 250,-.

duke nukem forever nytt 250,-.

duke nukem - dukes kick ass edition 300,- solgt

dungeon siege 3 nordic edition 100,-

dungeon siege 3 limited edition 100,-

dead space 2 100,-

dead space 2 limited edition 150,-

dead space nytt 250,-.

dancestar party nytt 250,-.

disney infinity 150-.

Disney infinity 2 150-.

Disney infinity 3 150-.

disney epic mickey 2 the power of two 150,-

Disney toy story 3 150-.

disne bolt 150,-

Disney cars bills internationale 150-. Solgt

Disney cars2 150-.

disney cars 3 driven to win 200,-solgt

Disney kingdom hearts 1.5 remix

driver san francisco 100,- solgt

demons souls 300,- solgt

Dark souls 100-. Solgt

Dark souls2 150-. Solgt

dishonored 100,-

devil my cry 100,- solgt

Dirt showdown 150-. Solgt

Dirt 3 150-.

Deus ex human revolution 100-.

Destiny 100-.

Darknes limited edition 250,-

dmc devil may cry 100,- solgt

Doom3 bfg efition 200-.


Eat lead the return of matt hazard 100,-.

Every bodys golf world tour 100,-.

earthdefense force 2025 150,- solgt

encahnted arms 150,- solgt

Enslaved: Odyssey To The West 100,-


Farming simulator 200,-

f1 2010 100,-

f1 2012 100,- solgt

formula one championship edition 150,-

Fifa street3 50,-

Fifa 08 100-.

fifa 09 50,-

fifa 10 50,-

fifa11 x2 25,-

Fifa 12 25,-

fifa13 25.-

fifa 14 25,-

Fifa 15 50,-

Fifa 18 600-.

fifa 16 100,- .

2010 south africa 50,- .

fritz by chessbase solgt

farcry2 x2 70,-

farcry2 75,-

farcry3 75,-.

farcry4 75,-

Fear2 75,- solgt

final fantasy x111 2 150,-

final fantasyx111 150,-

fallout new vegas 70,-

fallout 3 game of the year edition 150,- solgt

fightnight champion 150,- reservert

fight night round 3 150,-

fightnight round 4 150.

front mission evolved

facebreaker 100,-


full auto 2 100,-

Fuel 150-.

Ferrari challenge 100-.

fuse 100,-


grand theft auto iv 75,-

grand theft auto5 75-.,

grand theft auto episode from liberty city 150-.

grand theft auto episode from liberty citythe complete edition 300,-

grand turismo 5 100,-

Grand turismo prologue 150-.

grand turismo 5 collector edition 500,-

grand turismo academy edition 100,-

grand turismo 6 150,-

god of war 150,-

God of war3 150-.

god of war ascension 250-.

God of war collection 300,- solgt

guitar hero metalica 150,- solgt

guitar hero legends of rock 100,-

Guitar hero world toure 100,-

Guitar hero aerosmith 150,-

Rocksmith 2014 150-.

golden axe beast rider 200,- solgt

the godfather2 100,-

grid racedriver 100,-

Grid 2 150-.

genji days of the blade100,-

great battles medieval 100,-

grand slam tennis2 100,-


Homefront 100,- .

heavenly sword 100,-

heavy rain move edition 100,- solgt

Heroes of europe 100,- .

hellboy 100,-. Solgt

hitman absolution 100,-

happy feet two 150,-

hunted the demons forge 100,-

Hasbro familie gamenight vol 3 300-.

Harry potter deathly hallows part 1 200-.

hulk 150,- solgt


infamus 100,- solgt

infamus2 100,- solgt

ice age 4 150,-solgt

injustice gods among us 150,-

inversion 100,-

il 2 sturmmovik birds of prey 100,-


James bond blood Stone 007 150-.

jericho 100,-

Jericho nytt 250,-.

Just cause 2 100,-.

Just dance 3 300-.

Just dance 2016 300-.

just dance 2018 - solgt

Just dance kids 400-.

Juiced2 100-.


killzone2 100,-.

killzone 2 nytt plat 200,-.

killzone3 100,-

killzone3 collectors edition 150,-

kane and lynch 2 dog days nytt 250,-.

kane and lynch : dead men 100,-solgt

katamari for ever 400,-

kung fu panda 150,- solgt

kung fu panda 2 150,- solgt

Kingdom hearts 1.5 remix 150-.

Kingdom hearts hd 2.5 remix 150-.

Katamari forever 500-.


Lego dimension med lego sett 400-.

lego the movie game 150,-

lego jurassic world 150,-

lego marvel super heores 150,-

lego starwars 3 150,-

Lego Star wars forc awaknes 200-.

Lego super heroes 150-

lego starwars complete saga 150,-

Lego indiana jones 150-. Solgt

lego indiana jones 2 150,-

lego batman 150,-

lego batman 2 150,-

lego batman3 beyond gotham 150,

lego avengers 150,- solgt

lego rockband 150,-solgt

Lego pirates of the caribien 150-.

lego harry potter 1-4 150,- solgt

lego harry potter 5-7 150,- solgt

lego the hobbit 200,- solgt

lego starwars the force awaken

the lord of the rings conquest 150,-

the lord of the rings aragorns quest 150,-

lego lord of the rings 150,-

lord of the rings : war in the north 150,- solgt

Legendary 100,-.

legends 007 100,-

L:A.noire 50-.

lost planet 1 extreme condition 100,-.

Lost planet 2 100,-.

the last of us 150,-. Solgt

lets dance nytt 200,-.

lair 100,-

lair nytt 250,-.

litle big planet 150,-

litle big planet 2 150,-

Litle big planet extras edition 200-. Solgt

littlebig planet 3 150,-

Litle big planet karting 150-.

London olympic 2012 -. Solgt

Lightning returns final fantasy x111 300-.


millennium championship paintball 2009 100,-

modnation racers ( orginalt cover demo spill)150,-

mega drive collection 150,- solgt

Medal of honor tier edition 100,-.

Medal of honor tier edition 100,-.

Medal of honor warfighter 75,-.

medal of honor airborne 100,- solgt

motorstorm 100,-

Motorstorm apocalypse 150-. Solgt

motorstorm apocalypse nytt 200,- solgt

mortal kombat 200,-

Mortal kombat komplette edition 250- solgt

mortal kombat vs dc univers 200,-.

metal gearsolid 4 guns of patriots 100,-

mercenaries2 world in flames nytt 250,-.

mercenaries2 world in flames 100,-

medieval moves nytt 250,-.

medieval moves nytt 250,-.

medieval moves nytt 250,-.

mirrors edge 100,-

madden10 50,-

mafia2 75,-

metro last night

Metro last night limited edition 150,-

mega drive collection 250,-

maxpayne3 100,-

mass efect2 100,-

mass effect 3 100,-

minecraft 200 -.

Minecraft story mode 200-.

madden 10 100,-

Madden 13 100-.

mag 100,-

marvel vs capcom 150,- solgt

marvel vs capcom 3 200,-

megamind ultimate showdown 150,-

mindjack 100,- solgt

murdered 100,-

Madagaskar 3 solgt

Madagaskar kartz 200-.

mini ninjas 200,- solgt

mobile suit gundam target in sight 100,-

monopoly streeets 250,-

My sims sky heroes 100-.

Mx vs atv 100-.

Monsterjam path of destruction 150-.solgt

murdered 100,-

metal gear rising:revengeance 150,-solgt

Monster vs alien 100-. Solgt

Midnight club: los Angeles 150-.


need for speed most wanted 150,-

Need for speed prostreet 150,-.

need For speed undercover 150,-

need for speed shift 150,-

need for speed the run 150,-

need for speed hot pursuit 150,-

need for speed rivals 150,-

nba 2k8 100,-.solgt

naughty bear 100,-solgt

nba street homecourt 100,-

Nba 2k 11 100-.

Nba 2k14 100-.

nhl 50,-.

Nhl 11 50-.

Nhl 12 50-.

nhl 15 75,-

Ninja gaiden sigma 150-.

Ninja gaiden sigma 2 150-. Solgt


the orange box 150,-

operation flashpoint dragon raising 100,- solgt

operation flashpoint red river 100,-

of orcs men 200,-

Overbord 150-.

Oblivion 150-.


prince of persia triology 250,- solgt

planet 51 the game 150,-

plants vs zombie garden warfare 100,-

Prince of persia triology 300-. Solgt

Playstation moves heroes 100,-.

playstation move starter disc 50,-

Playstation move eyepet &freands 150-.

Playstation moves carnival island 150-.

Playstation move mind benders 150-.

Playstation move book of spell 150-.

Playstation move sports champions 200-.

Pes 08 50-.

pes 10 50,-.

pes 11 50,-.

pes 12 50,-.

pes 12 50,-.

pes 13 50,-.

pes 13 50,-

pes 14 50,-

pes14 nytt 100,-.

pes14 nytt 100,-.

pure football 50,-.

prototype 100,-

prototype2 100,-.

pure 100,-

portal 2 plat 150,-

Prison break 150-.

Plants vs zombie


quantum theory 100,-


ratchet and clank quest for booty 250,-

ratchet and clank a crack in time 200,-

ratchet and clank tools of destruction 200,-

ratchet and clank q force 250,- solgt

ratchet and clank nexus 400,- solgt

ratchet & clank all 4 one 300,-

Ratchet and clank collection 400-. Solgt

Rayman origins 150-. Solgt

Rayman legends 150-. Solgt

rango 150,-

rise of the argonauts 100,-

Resistance 2 100,-.

Resistance 2 100,-.

Ressistance: fall of man 75,-.

Racket sports 100,-.

resident evil 5 150,-.

Resident evil 5 gold edition 150-.

Resident evil6

resident evil: operation raccon city 150,-

resident evil 100,- solgt

red dead redemption 100,-.

red dead redemption undead nightmare 150,-

rage anarchy edition. 100,-

ruse (ps move ) 150,-

red faction guerilla 100,-

red faction armageddon 100,-

roque warrior 100,-

reflex mx vs atv 100,-

Rio 150-. Solgt

racedriver grid reloaded 150,-

racedriver grid 150,-

Ridgeracer unbounded 150-.

reckoning 100,-


Slatterhouse 500,- reservert

superstar kartz 200,- solgt

soldier of fortune payback 100,-

Sly triology 400-. Solgt

Sly thief in time 300-. solgt

soulcalibur iv plat 100,-

soulcalibur iv 100,-

Space marine 100,-.

space marine limited edition

Saint row 2 100-.

spec ops the line 300-.

saints row the third 100

singularity 100,-,-

starterdisc 50,-.

starterdisc 100,-.

Splitsecond velocity 100,-.

Splitsecond velocity 100,-.

stuntman ignition 100,-

Silent hill homecoming 300,-.solgt

silent hill downpour 500,- solgt

skate2 150,- .

skate 150,-

skate3 150,-

sports champions (ps move )100,-

sports champion 2 ( move) 150,-

special forces 100,-

sports champions 150,-.

sbk generations 100,-. Solgt

skylanders giants 150,- .

skylander super charger 100,-

skyrim 100,-. Solgt

skyrim legendary edition 300,- solgt

straglehold 100,-.

sacred2 fallen angel 100,-.

socom confrontation 100,-.solgt

socom spescial forces 100,-.

silent hill nytt 250,-.solgt

Silent hill homecoming 400-. Solgt

shaun white skaeboarding nytt 200,-.

shaun white snowboarding 100,- solgt

sniper ghost warrio 100,-

sniper elite v2 150,-

Sniper elite 3 150-.

Sniper ghost warrior 150-.

Sonig the hedgehog 250-. Solgt

sonic umleashed 250,- solgt

sega superstar tennis sonic og co 150,-

sonic sega allstar racing 200,-

sonic generations 250,- solgt

super street fighter iv 200,-

street fighter x tekken 250,-

super street fighter iv nytt 400,- .

sing it ( disney)150,-.

singstar 200,-

Singstar 2 200-.

singstar take that 200- solgt

Singstar Abba 200-.

singstar queen 200,- solgt

Singstar 3 200-.

Singstar ultimate party 200-. Solgt

singstar + dance 250,- solgt

saints row 2 100,-

saints row iv 100,-

super hero squad marvel 100,- solgt

syndicate 100,-

ssx 100,-

starwars the force unleashed 100,-

Starwars the force unleashed2 150-.

starwars the force unleashed 2 150-.

Starwars clone wars 150-solgt

starhawk 150,-. Solgt

saw 100,- solgt

sniper elite

saints row the third

sims 3 100,- solgt

sims 3 pets 150,- solgt

Shift2unleashed 150-.

Smackdown vs raw 2009 100-.

Smackdown vs raw 2010 150-.

Smackdown vs raw 2011 150,-

Shrek forever after 150-.

spiderman web of shadows 250-. solgt

sleeping dogs 100,-

Stormrise 100-.

star ocean; the last hope 150,-

supremacy mma 150,-

Soulcslibur v 150-.


turok 100,-solgt

turning point fall of liberty 100,-

Tom clansys splinter cell blacklist 100,-.

tom clanseys splinter cell triology 250,-

Tom clansys rainbow six vegas 100,-.

Tom clansys rainbow six vegas2 100,-.

Tom clanseys rainbowsix vwgas2&ghost 300

tom clanseys ghost recon furure soldier solgt

tom clanseys ghost recon 2 advanced warfighter 150-.

transformers revenge of the fallen 100,- solgt

transformers dark of the moon solgt

transformers devastation 200,- solgt

transformers war for cybertron 200,-

tin tin the secret of the unicorne 150,-.

topspin3 50,-

toppspin4 50,- . reservert

Tomb raider 200-.

Tombraider underworld 200-.

tomb raider triology 250,- .

tv superstar nytt 200,-.

tekken 6 150,- solgt

tekken hybrid 300,- solgt

tekken tag turnament 2 200,-

tron 100,-

tau 2 test drive 150,- solgt

thief 150,-

terraria 100,-

Top gun hard lock 400-.

tna impact 150,-

Tna impact action wrestling 150-.

two worlds 100,-

turning point fall of liberty



ufc 2009 undisput 100,-

ufc undisputed 2010 100,-

Ufc indisputed 3. 150-.

Uncharted drakes fortune 100,-.

Uncharted drakes fortune 100,-.

Uncharted 2 among thieves 100,-.

Uncharted3 Drakes deception 100,-.

unreal turnament u 100,-

unreal turnament nytt 250,- .


viking: battle of asgard 100,-.

vanquish 100,-

virtua fighter 5 150,-

Vancouver 2010 150-.

valkyria chronicles 100,-

Virtual tennis 4 100-.


Wanted weapons of fate

Wolfstein 100,-

wrestling: legends wrestlemania 100,-.

w 13 100,-

wheelman vin diesel 100,- cb solgt

Wrc fia world rally championship 150-.

Wrc fia world rally championship 3 150,-

wrc 2 150,- solgt

watchdogs 100,-

Wanted weapons of fate 100-.

W 12 100-.

w 13 150,-

w 2k14 150,-

w 2k15 150,-

wonderbook diggs nightcrawler

World of outlaws sprint cars -. Solgt

Wall.e 150-.

Where the wild things are


x factor 100,-

x-men origins wolverin 150,- solgt

xcom : enemy unknown 100,-


youustar2 in the movie nytt 200,-.

youustar2 in the movie nytt 200,-.

yakuza 3 150,-

Playstation3 Promo :

Dead space 3 ( disk) 150-.

God of war ascension 200-.

Call of duty mw3 200-.

Borderlands2 200-.

Soul calibur v 200-.

Fear 3 ( disk) 150-.

Saint row the third ( disk ) 150-

Playstation3-ps3-playstation 3

playstation3  flere hundre spill og utstyr | FINN-torget (2025)
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Article information

Author: Errol Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 6023

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.